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☾Formerly The Multiple District 19 Lions Service And Leadership Development Foundation☽


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Helping Lions Serve Their

Since its beginning in 2003, the MD19 Lions Foundation has provided more than US$500,00000 in grants for leadership training and development within Multiple District 19 of Lions Clubs International and its subdistricts.

The Northwest Lions Leadership Institute alone, has been the ongoing recipient of more then US$100,00000 in tuition grants and operational grants.

The Foundation was formed in 2003 following an initial bequest to MD19 from the estate of a truly generous benefactor in Seattle, Washington in the amount of US$617,00000 designated for the development of community leaders. The initial funds are currently invested in a selected group of the American Funds family which meet the investment guidelines of the Foundation. That endowment has grown to a current value more than double the original gift.

Leadership Development Programs

The MD19 Lions Foundation has served as the primary funding source for Multiple District 19 of Lions International's annual Vice District Governor and Zone Chair training seminars held each spring. Much of the Foundation's annual budget was spent toward training and equipment procurement for use with these critical leadership programs. The MD19 leadership development classes continue to be an important and essential part of the MD19 Lions Vice District Governor and Zone Chair Lions training. The good news is the MD19 Lions Foundation is now able to budget these programs more fully than in years past.

Northwest Lions Leadership Institute

From its beginning, The MD19 Lions Foundation focused great attention to leadership and service projects that would support and enhance Lions clubs in Multiple District 19. In 2005, shortly after the Foundation was established, a Lions Leadership Institute was held in Lake Oswego Oregon in collaboration with Lions Clubs International Multiple District 36. In alternating years, a regional Leadership Institute has been held in MD19 and MD36.

The Lions of MD19 have been received scholarships for registration and lodging to attend the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute since it began, funded by the Foundation.

The Northwest Lions Leadership Institute is a three day experience with workshops that promote leadership skills such as speaking, group interactions, conflict resolution, goal planning and others. The institute offers outstanding seminars designed to enhance and develop leadership skills that foster communication and team building in a rewarding learning environment. Participants at the Institute go back to their clubs and communities with leadership skills that help those communities and clubs become stronger and better. Many graduates of the institute who have got on to become project leaders, club presidents, Zone Chairs, District Governors, Council Chairs and community leaders.

Since its inception, over 500 Lions leaders have graduated from the Institute, each one making a difference especially in Lionism. The Foundation's scholarship support has continued over the years for those from MD19, and the foundation has contributed over US$100,00000 for these scholarships. The curriculum is meaningful and timely for Lions of all experience levels whether you are a new Lion on considering the challenges of Zone Chair or District Governor.

Current Programs And Service Initiatives

The MD19 Lions Foundation is committed to enhancing leadership in our local communities. The Foundation currently in the process of supporting two new service initiatives for young people in the comminities served by Mulptiple District 19 Lions clubs:

  • The first is a partnership with the local Boys and Girls Clubs in each of Multiple District 19's nine Districts to encourage leadership among young people who participate in Lions programs.
  • The second is to support the creation of an MD19 Youth Band. This band will provide opportunities for high school aged musicians across Multiple District to come together for musical growth and performance. The ensemble encourages participants to learn more about themselves and each other through rehearsals, travel and touring to locations within MD19 and possibly internationally. The Foundation has pledged US$23,000 toward this initiative.
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“All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.”


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