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☾Formerly The Multiple District 19 Lions Service And Leadership Development Foundation☽


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Answers To Frequently Asked Questions…

What does the MD19 Lions Foundation do?

The mission of the MD19 Lions Foundation is to provide leadership development for, and support the expansion of community service from, Lions in British Columbia, Northern Idaho and Washington state.

How does the MD19 Lions Foundation fulfill its mission?

The MD19 Lions Foundation provides funding to Lions clubs, districts and zones throughout Multiple District 19 of Lions Clubs International through grants for leadership training and service projects. For example, the Foundation helps fund annual training for newly–elected, incoming District Governors and Zone Chairpersons, and provides tuition and expense reimbursements for Lions who attend the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute, a regional leadership training available to all Lions in British Columbia, Northern Idaho and Washington state.

Where does the MD19 Lions Foundation get its funding?

The MD19 Lions Foundation depends on charitable giving to fulfill its mission. The Foundationwas created following an initial gift from a generous benefactor in Seattle which was earmarked for the development of community leaders. SInce then, the Foundation has received gifts from Lions, clubs and third parties. Funds donated to the Foundation are invested in a selected group of the American Funds family which meet the investment guidelines of the Foundation, and the endowment has grown to a current value more than double the original gift and the Foundation has still been able to award grants in excess of US$500,00000 since its inception.

Who owns the MD19 Lions Foundation?

No one owns the MD19 Lions Foundation. The Foundation is a Washington non–profit corporation, and is qualified as a charitable organization under §501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

Who runs the MD19 Lions Foundation?

The MD19 Lions Foundation is governed by a board of directors with of twenty–two voting members comprised of an elected president, vice president, marketing chairperson, financial officer, secretary and treasurer, plus two representatives from each of the Multiple District 19 districts, the Multiple District 19 Lion&apos's Council Chairperson, MD19 leadership and service coordinators, the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute superintendent, the MD19 Immediate Past Council Chair and the Foundation's immediate past president. Board members voluteer their time and serve without remuneration other than some for reimbursements for travel expenses to attend required meetings.

How do I become a district representative on the Board of Directors?

Let your District representative or District Governor know that you want to serve on the MD19 Lions Board of Directors. Two representatives from each of the Multiple District 19 districts are elected by the members of their district cabinets prior to January 1st and the representatives take office on January 1st of the year their term begins. Representatives serve rotating two–year terms.

What kind of grants are available from the MD19 Lions Foundation?

The MD19 Lions Foundation provides two kinds of grants: (1) To districts, zones, clubs and Lions that support community service, and; (2) To districts, zones, clubs and Lions for the development of leaders, including tuition grants to attend the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute.

How do I apply for a grant from the MD19 Lions Foundation?

Fill out a grant application, which is in a fillable PDF format that you can download here or from the Grants page on this website. Then return your completed and signed forms, together with all documentation requested in the forms, to the Treasurer of the MD19 Lions Foundation either by email, or by regular mail to the Treasurer, MD19 Lions Foundation at 331 SR 27, Pullman, WA 99163.

What are the criteria for grant approval?

The requirements for the award of a grant are: (1) The grant benefits one or more districts, zones, clubs or Lions in Multiple District 19 Lions Clubs International; (2) Need; (3) No other source of funding is available, and; (4) A completed and signed grant application.

Who decides what grant applications are approved?

All grant applications are reviewed by the Board's Grant Review Committe, which makes a recomendation, and submits applications to the MD19 Lions Foundation's Board of Directors for consideration. The Board considers all grant requests and makes all grant awards.

When are grant awards made?

The MD19 Lions Foundation's Board of Directors generally meets to consider grant applications three times a year.

When does my grant application have to be submitted?

Grant applications received on or before the Tuesday immediately preceding a Board meeting will be submitted to the Board of Directors.

How can I help the Foundation?

The MD19 Lions Foundation relies on volunteers to help raise awareness about its needs and the people it serves. You can volunteer at the charitable or fund–raising events sponsored by the Foundation each year. You can donate prizes or complimentary gifts that the Foundation can distribute at its events. You can join the Foundation as a corporate partner — Investing in the Foundation is not only a rewarding philanthropic decision, it is just good business! Your company can take the spotlight with exceptional exposure to a premium potential customer base. The Lions Clubs of British Columbia, Northern Idaho and Washington are a part of the largest and longest serving service club organization in the world.

I still have questions, who can answer them?

Contact your district representive on the MD19 Lions Foundation's Board of Directors. You can email or call any member of the MD19 Lions Foundation Board of Directors and they can help answer your questions or point you to someone who can answer your questions.

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“We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.”


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